In a heartwarming and unexpected development, Ed and Donna Kelce, parents of NFL stars Travis and Jason Kelce, are set to remarry after 11 years of...
In a shocking and deeply personal development, Taylor Swift’s father, Scott Swift, has reportedly ‘disowned’ his daughter following the announcement of her pregnancy with NFL star...
TikTok that showed two of the couple’s kids getting studious. First, Wyatt can be seen with a book in her lap as she perches on top...
Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift’s “love story” has received plenty of attention from fans and media as the star tight end’s Kansas City Chiefs play the...
In her recent headline-making Person of the Year cover for Time, Taylor Swift talked about everything, from the timeline of her relationship with new beau Travis...
Author Anne-Marie Meyer has written 63 books, so it should be no surprise that she rarely is stumped for subject matter in her romance novels. Thanks...
Prince Edward pleaded ignorant to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s explosive Oprah Winfrey interview when quizzed about it. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been brutally...
Until now, Angel Reese has achieved everything she’s aimed for except one thing. “I want Michael Jordan to come to a game,” Reese shared her unfulfilled...
Taylor Swift is rumored to have made a call that got a multiple Grammy Award winner kicked out of the Super Bowl. Swift was shown on...
Taylor Swift is expected to attend Super Bowl LVIII immediately after her Feb. 10 “Eras” show in Tokyo, despite the 17-hour time difference. Because of the...