Once upon a time Taylor Swift wished for a “Better Man,” and now she’s found one. According to her boyfriend Travis Kelce’s coach, Swift has been...
In an unexpected twist, the NFL is reportedly facing substantial financial repercussions following its recent collaboration with pop icon Taylor Swift. Despite her attendance at Kansas...
Travis Kelce went a long way to spend a little time with his girlfriend, Taylor Swift, before training camp for the Kansas City Chiefs starts on...
A man has been detained on suspicion of stalking Taylor Swift ahead of the first of three shows by the pop star, German police have said....
continued to wow the crowd as she kept her composure while dealing with an unforeseen incident on stage. The hitmaker was singing The Smallest Man Who...
Travis Kelce admits he crossed the line in Super Bowl LVIII. The All-Pro tight end became a three-time champion Sunday night, helping vault the Kansas City...
The San Francisco 49ers tight end and his wife have been together since 2012, and Kittle and Kelce faced off in Super Bowl LVIII in February....
A controversial New York Times opinion piece reportedly has Taylor Swift and her team upset. The New York Times piece that speculated on the sexual orientation...
Taylor Swift Is Obviously A Role Model, So Why Are People Saying She Isn’t? An American publication has come under fire for arguing that, given her...
In a shocking turn of events, Fox News has reported that global pop sensation Taylor Swift has been diagnosed with cancer. The diagnosis comes after Swift...